Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Disaster Turned Success

Well things didn't exactly go according to plan. As you could tell I was really excited for Briana to come. After she had to sit in a plane for 3 hours they canceled her flight from what she told me was about one or two inches of snow. I was pretty upset about it because it was really the only time it would make sense for her to visit. Luckily she should be able to get a refund.

Otherwise my weekend was still pretty fun. Friday night, I went out for tapas, which is a traditional Spanish food of little small appetizers. For the most part they are tostadas which look like pieces of toast with different toppings on them. We ordered a sampling platter to start and there was salmon and brie, veal and carmelized onions, goat cheese and sweet red pepper, and iberian ham with olive oil and tomato. They were all very good. Then we ordered a bunch of other tapas to try, and raciones (bigger portions) of albodingas which are these veal meatballs , and potatoes and spicy sauce. When we split up the check at the end it came out to about 11 euro for a very filling and delicious meal.

Later we went to this discoteca called Kapital that has 7 floors, all with different types of music. We all got separated into groups of two pretty much immediately and didn't meet back up again til the end of the night. It was impossible to find people in there because it was so huge. Later I went with a girl who is basically my neighbor here, Candy, for some churros and chocolate at 5:30 AM before heading home on the subway when it opened.

Yesterday I woke up and went to the gym. I got ready as quick as possible after to go to the park and read. It was probably around 65 degrees and I was sitting in the sun in just a t-shirt and felt hot. Quite amazing for mid-february. Then I went grocery shopping because I didn't want to be left with no food on Sunday like last week. Everything is closed here on Sundays. After eating a cute little mini-baguette with my favorite herb cheese spread I enjoyed a nice long nap before going out for dessert and wine with some friends. We found this really cool place called Artebar that has live music and pretty good desserts. We made it a pretty early night so that we could get up to go to El Rastro which is a huge flea market that takes over the streets. It reminded me a lot of the street fairs that pop up all over NYC except without the food stands.

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